
#1 Skin Treatment
Facility at Changanacherry

Modern Skincare Facilities Designed for Your Comfort

Cosmetic Treatments

Treatment for various cosmetic problems like dark areas on the skin, small dark projections on skin etc. These conditions are treated with various modalities like chemical peeling, PRP injections, Cauterisation for small projections.

Cosmetic Treatments

GFC Treatment

Growth factor concentrate injection is an advancement of PRP treatment, It is avery effective treatment for Hair loss conditions, pigmentation of face, Pimple marks correction of ageing changes.

Advantage or GFC over PRP are better efficacious and less painful than PRP.

GFC Treatments

Anti-ageing Treatments

Ageing causes lot of changes on our skin like appearance of wrinkles, textural changes of skin, sagging skin, pigmentary changes etc. Treatment of these changes can be done by Filler injections, Botox injections, GFC treatment, Chemicak peeling etc.

Botox Injection

Botox Injection

Filler Injection

Filler Injection

Anti Ageing

Anti Ageing

Chemical Peeling

Peeling away superficial layer of skin using fruit acids help in freshening and smoothening up of face.

Chemical Peeling

Radio Frequency Cauterisation

Radiofrequency cauterisation is a Dermatologic treatment modality where by using energy from radio waves are used for precise destruction of superficial and small abnormalities on skin. This modality of treatment is commonly used for treatment of Warts, skin tags. Cysts, scars and other small raised unwanted structures over the skin. He advantage of this treatment is the precise treatment therby minimising the side effects.

Radio Frequency Cauterisation
Radio Frequency Cauterisation
Radio Frequency Cauterisation

Dermatosurgical Procedures

Minor skin surgeries like removal of mole cyst etc.

Dermatosurgical Procedures

Intralesional Injections

This is a treatment modality employed for skin conditions. Here the treating medication is directly injected to the affected area thereby the effect is enhanced and side effects are very much decreased. This modality of treatment is commonly employed for conditions like Keloid, circular areas of hair loss etc.